The Very Best Thing About Trump
(too old to reply)
Lloyd Bonafide
2017-03-01 01:34:45 UTC
Is that he really, really angers the liberals.

Looks like there will be 8 years of it.
Nomen Nescio
2017-03-01 21:35:42 UTC
Going down? That's Gweggies thing with Lloyd!
That's the sound Nellie makes when Caputo shoves it in his ass.


Neal is still shilling for Caputo.. a corrupt little shit in his
own right.

Lloyd is still fucking Neal in the ass.

You know he likes your dick! Notice how he responds when dildos are

Feel free to get in touch. If you want more information about him,
just let me know!

Neal D. Warren/Wilbur Hubbard/Gregory Hall
PO Box 1015
Tavernier, FL 33070
305 304-7546
Bob Wolfe
2017-05-08 17:18:20 UTC
Going down? That's Gweggies thing with Lloyd.
That's the sound Nellie makes
when Caputo shoves it in his ass.
Lloyd is still fucking Neal in the ass.
You know he likes your dick!
Notice how he responds when dildos are
Feel free to get in touch.
If you want more information about him,
just let me know!
Neal D. Warren/Wilbur Hubbard/Gregory Hall
PO Box 1015
Tavernier, FL 33070
Nice carriage returns. Kudos!
